Friday, March 28, 2014

Reflection Questions

Reflection Questions (Sheryl &Madison):

1.)   The play opens with Antonio, the merchant, admitting that he is sad, but not knowing why.  Think of times when you’ve been sad.  Have you always understood exactly why, or has your sadness sometimes seemed strange to you?  Explain.

For me, sadness always seems to strange. Sometimes just the feeling of sadness can come over but there is no reason of it. Specific things can always make me sad like thinking of my grandpa, and I know exactly why I'm sad. Sometimes I can be happy but still have that gloomy sad feeling become a part of my day. Sadness is a tricky feeling because it can go into being depressed or angry and you get confused why you're even feeling that. The feeling of sadness is a feeling that takes a while for someone to shake off and be happy. Sadness is a strange feeling and it probably always will be. 

2.)   In Shakespeare’s time, lending money for interest was called “usury” and was generally considered immoral.  How have attitudes changed since then?

Now, interest is considered a good thing. When you invest your money into a bank, your interest gives you more money. People today want more and more money because that's the way we live today. The more money you have, the more you can get and how successful you can be. Before paying extra after a long time period was considered bad because of the lack of money all around. Now, people want more and more money to make their life easier.

3.)   Think of the recent banking crisis and the state of today’s economy.  Do you think it’s all right to lend someone a large amount of money based on their word and reputation even though they may not have any concrete evidence of being able to pay you back?

I don't think it's right because today in our economy we don't have a lot of money. I think it's okay to invest money into banks but you have to remember any bank can get robbed at any point in time. If your deciding based on reputations and their word I wouldn't put any money in that bank. Especially if there wouldn't be any chance of getting your money back. 

4.)   This play includes romantic love stories and also ethnic and religious conflict.  How well do you expect these elements to blend?

I don't expect these elements to blend well in the story. Ethnic and religion doesn't mix well because of the different views people have on it. When the ethnic and religious conflicts can also cause problems in the romantic love stories. When all these problems come together, it creates a big problem throughout the story. even though it will result in problems, it makes the story more interesting .

Shakespeare Statements


Don’t rely on outward appearances when making judgments.

I agree with this statement because anyone can keep up with an appearances but still be different than who they really are. In my personal experience, I have notice that someone can be nice on the outside but turn out to be someone who is mean and ignorant when you get to know them. Also, you can get a mean impression but they turn out to be nice.

Justice is always blind.

I agree with this statement because justice should always be equal to everyone. Justice isn't biased or persuaded. In my personal experience, people who are different races seem to be punished unfairly before but now, justice is served to everyone.

A brotherly love between two friends can be just as strong as an intimate love between a man and a woman.

I disagree with this statement because you can love and support your friend or boyfriend/girlfriend but in different ways. You wouldn't be as intimate with friend than your boyfriend/girlfriend. You can still love your friend and boyfriend/girlfriend but there are different ways to do that.

You can break a promise as long as you have a good excuse

I disagree with statement because if you make a promise you should always keep it no matter what. In my personal experience I have gone through breaking a promise and have someone break their promise and it never turned out in a good way. Someone shouldn't break a promise because a person is trusting you and even with an excuse, you lose their trust.

Love is blind.

I agree with this statement because love can be with anyone and should be with anyone. Love bonds people together and creates a stronger bond between people. In my personal experience, I have had friends who I call my family because of the love that bonds us together. Love doesn't care who you are but it also accepts it.

Stereotypes are often right.

I disagree with this statement because most of the times stereotypes are wrong. In my personal experience, people think of the stereotype when I tell them that I do ballet. The stereotype of ballet and what it actually is, is majorly different. Stereotypes are never right in today's world.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is a good motto to live by.

I disagree and agree with this statement because it's good to give something and receive, but it's not always needed. When I'm is nice to someone, I do expect them to be nice to me, but if I give someone a gift, I don't need them to give something back and of the same value. Living by this motto can result in bad situations.