Friday, May 22, 2015

Second Semester Portfolio

Hi Mom & Dad!

Click this link to look at my portfolio! After you're done with that please comment on this post answering the question, "What have you learned about your child's achievements and experiences this past year in MeneMac?"

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A'ole Moanalua: Less Homework Formal Letter

To whom it may concern,

Students around the nation struggle with homework. Although the homework might not be difficult,having too much homework can be very stressful and time consuming. My team and I are proposing a less homework policy for Moanalua High School. We believe that this policy will relieve students of the stress and exhaustion of homework.
Homework gives students many problems. A lot of students get most of their stress from homework. According to a Stanford study, 56% of students find homework to be the primary source of stress. Also, since homework can be such a big part of a student's grade, 33% of students find getting good grades as their primary source of stress. Homework also takes away time from a student's sleep. According to a study from the Child Development journal, students that lose sleep due to things like homework and studying, have a hard time to comprehend material and do well on tests. Without understanding the concepts and doing well tests this can also add to a student's stress. With less homework, students wouldn’t have as much stress and be able to learn and excel to the best of their ability.
Having less homework takes a huge weight off of students.  Moanalua should enforce a less homework policy to protect the health and well being of their students. Without having to worry about a lot of homework, it gives students extra time to do extracurricular activities, spend time with family, and get a good amount of sleep each night. Having less homework gives students more freedom.



Sunday, May 3, 2015

A'ole Moanalua: Less Homework

The purpose of our protest is to inform students, teachers, faculty, and staff about the impact excess amount of homework can have on a students overall well being. The flyer on the top briefly explains the affect a lot of homework can have on a child; while the flyer on the bottom goes over the positives of having less homework. Our slogan of our campaign, "Less Homework, More Freedom" simply means that if teachers assign less homework students will have more time for themselves, family, and overall become a happier, healthier person.