Thursday, September 11, 2014

Word Choice Oymipics

1. Walking through the doors to see his children for the first time in 8 months, he couldn't help but to smile. His heart beat picked up as he saw his kids for the first time. He dropped to his knees as they ran to hug him. Once they were in reach, he pulled them in for a big hug. Smiles stretched from ear to ear. With tears in their eyes, they shouted with joy, "Daddy I can't believe your home!"

2. "I know you killed my husband." she thought when she sipped her tea. "I wanted you to come over so we could talk John". "I'm happy to be here, what did you have in mind?" he replied with no hesitation. "I wanted to show you something." she said, walking over to a picture of her and her late husband. His heart started beat faster as he took the picture in his hand. "I see it in your eyes, you murderer" she thought again as she pointed the gun to the back of his head. She hesitated as her hand began to shake. She felt her stomach drop as she pulled the trigger, killing the man she knew her whole life.

3. Winding down to last few seconds of the match, United States were able to get that last point they needed. The score was 26-26 with 35 seconds on the clock. The ball was now in play. 15 seconds on the clock, the ball was set for the spike of the year. 10 seconds, she waited for the perfect moment, she spiked the ball as hard as she could. With 5.6 seconds left, the match was over. With the blow of the whistle, the referee announced the winner, "United States with 27-26 takes the gold medal." Every bone in their body tingles with excitement. They stood on that platform, pledging to the United States of America, proud to be a part of it.

4. Looking down into darkness, your stomach twists. "Come on, jump off!" your friends yell at you. You don't want to look like a wimp, so you close your eyes and take a deep breath. You can here the waves crashing into the rock as you bend your knees. Your mind goes into overdrive on the worst case scenarios. The beat of your heart picks up as you make your decision to jump. You scream at the top of your lungs until your toes hit the water. Completely submerged in the water, you spring back up for air. Gasping for air, you realize you actually jumped. Relieved and calm, you smile waiting for your friends to follow your lead.

5. "Ring ring!" You wake up to an irritating buzzer. You shut your annoying alarm off and groan. Your bed feels undeniably comfortable but you have a busy day of school ahead of you. "I'll just sleep for five more minutes" you say, and doze off. Jolting up in bed, you realize those five minutes turned into thirty. Throwing the blanket off you bounce out of bed trying not to be late. Brush your teeth, wash your face, change your clothes and your all set. Looking at your bed, all you want to do is jump back in and fall back into a soothing sleep. 

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