Friday, January 30, 2015

Allusion Poetry: Odysseus DRAFT

It's a long journey,
And it's still not over,
It feels endless,
The sleepless nights and constant problems,
I have to push through, 
To just keep on going, 

I encounter many beasts,
Some small, but others, huge,
I try to fight them,
I don't always win,  
But those losses, 
Gave me the strength to keep going,

Along the way, 
I met new people, discovered new things,
It was thrilling, 
They guided and helped me on my journey,
And I helped them with theirs, 
But somewhere along the way, 

We lost each other,
It was hard,
To face the unknown without the support I had before,
It felt like a different life,
But I found others to pick me up 
To get me back on my feet.

I get stuck at forks in the road,
I don't know what path to take,  
I see what others chose,
And I take a risk and chose the opposite path,
I won't regret it

Life is a long journey,
You don't know where you're going, 
But you're just trying to get there,
You don't know what to expect at first, 
But as you go along, 
You start to live


  1. I think your poem is very well written. The only thing that you should do is add more allusions in the poem so the readers know that its the story of Odysseus you're alluding to.

  2. Very good job! Its nice how you related your life so much to Odysseus'. It was very detailed as well. Try to make it more obvious that you're alluding to Odysseus because right now it sounds like any other story.

  3. Very detailed, but like lennon said..throw more glimpses of the Odysseus story in there
