Thursday, February 12, 2015

Inhumanity - Introductory to "Night"

Madison & Erin K.

Example 1:
         The first link to an act of inhumanity is of acid attacks in Pakistan. Women in Pakistan get acid thrown on their faces as a punishment or for just being a woman. If a woman was trying to get an education or join the political world, they would be attacked with acid. These attacks are keeping women in their houses because they are afraid to be attacked by strangers. If you didn’t pay your debt to a family member, they would be the person attacking you. Some cases get so severe that their faces are unrecognizable and they aren’t able to see, hear, or use their mouths. Acid attacks are now becoming very common in Pakistan but most people around the world have no idea what’s going on.

Example 2:

         This link is talking about an inhumane act in Tanzania, Africa, where albino people are being killed for their body parts and are being used in witchcraft. Albino people have a big target on their back and could be killed at anytime of day. They live in remote places in Tanzania so they can be hidden from the killers, but they are still not safe anywhere they go. Some people in the community built a statue promoting the right of albino people. This statue reminds people that albino people are the same as everyone else. The statue still didn’t stop people from killing albino people.

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