Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Literary Check #3 & Reflection

     a. The novel "Night" by Elie Wiesel, proves how inhumane actions are unforgivable and shows how important humanity and equality truly is because without it, humans are nonexistent.

     b. Eliezer, in the novel "Night", shows us that in the toughest times, perseverance and love can help you overcome anything.


Page 30: "'Humanity? humanity is not concerned with us. Today anything is allowed. Anything is possible, even these crematories...'"

Page 32: "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky."

Page 60: "I witnessed other hangings. I never saw a single one of the victims weep. For a long time those dried up bodies had forgotten the bitter taste of tears."

Page 108: "We had been tormented with hunger. We had eaten nothing for six days, except a bit of grass or some potato peelings found near the kitchens.


Page 7-8: "The Germans were already in the town, the Fascists were already in power, the verdict had already been pronounced, yet the Jews of Sighet continued to smile."

Page 9: "Little by little life returned to normal. The barbed wire which fenced us in did not cause us any real fear. We even thought to ourselves rather well off; we were entirely self-contained."

Page 18: "'We must keep going, we must keep going.' she kept on repeating."

Page 38: "So now, muster your strength, and don't lose heart. We shall all see the day of liberation. Have faith in life. Above all else, have faith."

Reflection Paragraphs:

     The novel "Night" talks about the tragic event of the holocaust and how much the Jews suffered. The Jews lost all of their things and sometimes their lives. Although this was a horrid event, some positive things came from the book, love for your family. All throughout the book, the main character, Eliezer is focused on his father and him making it out of the camps alive. Sometimes through hard times, all we need is something to focus on to forget whats happening. For some of the Jews at the time, was their faith in god but for Eliezer, it was staying with his father and never losing him. The love for your family is unconditional. When you are in a tough time, they are the people you look to for help. When we are insecure and scared, they are the ones to comfort us. They believe in us when no one else will. Without our families, we are left with nothing. We would be alone and have no support to fall back on. Eliezer needed that support through his father, and for the most part, I believe thats how he got to survive the camps alive.

     During the holocaust, there were many inhumane actions. Whether it was Jews or others, people would die, daily, from starvation or as a punishment. These actions were all based on an opinion of their leader. The people that beat the Jews and killed them didn't care. It was a strict and hostile environment that only the fittest would survive. I don't believe anything like the holocaust could ever be justified. All of there actions is wrong and nothing should exist to say that there was a certified reason of what happened then. They killed innocent children and babies, beat men until they nearly died, and starved them. These actions made people question their faith and their lives. They made people lose their families all for the sake of making a point. This event lives in infamy because of their horrible actions to Jews. The holocaust or anything like it can never be forgotten or forgiven. It showed the true meaning of inhumanity.

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