Sunday, November 16, 2014

Risky Business Final Draft

          Being a teenager isn't always easy. It's the stage in our life where you're not technically a kid or and adult and you start to explore the world around you. One of the major things that occur when you' become a teen is relationships. Relationships open a whole new world of endless possibilities to teens. These relationships are fun and innocent, but things can go wrong. Since teens hormones are all over the place, they can become easily angered and violence starts to occur. This violence has now become more frequent in teens today. Teen dating violence is an issue that does have some positives impacts but mostly negative because it causes teens to have mental and physical health issues and can lead teens to engage in illegal substances.

        Being in a domestic relationship can mentally affect you in many ways. In some ways it can be good. You become mentally stronger from recovering and overcoming the situation, but most of the time it leads to depression or suicide. According to, females who had experience teen dating violence reported increased depression symptoms. Being abused by anyone leaves a permanent scar in your mind and your body making it impossible to forget. In some cases, the effects of the abuse will make you stronger in a way of knowing your limits, but that's usually not the case. The memory can be replayed over and over in your mind causing one to become depressed which leads to the thought of suicide. According to, one in every four women who were victims of domestic violence attempt suicide. After the traumatic incident, your mind can start to overthink the situation like why it happened, whose fault it is, leading you to suicide to make the thinking stop. Not only does being in an abusive relationship hurts physically, physcologically, it can lead to your death.

          Physical health is always at risk in a violent relationship. According to, one in 10 high school students has been purposely hit, slapped, or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. Abuse can varied in many ways. A push or shove doesn't as have much of an impact as a punch but is still abuse. It's never okay to abuse to someone is taken as serious crime. According to, nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. Teens experience the abuse sometimes daily, which can cause for more serious injuries in the future. Being in a abusive relationship can also make a person tougher in way, like you have to know how to defend and protect yourself, but while in a relationship, no one should have to prepare to protect themselves. Abuse in relationships is never okay in any relationship.

        Teen dating violence has often lead to teens engaging in illegal substances. After getting out of a violent relationship, teens are still scared and look to things like drugs and alcohol to help. According to WebMD Health News, females and males who reported dating violence as teens are most likely to smoke and use marijuana more than other teens that have not experienced dating violence. It does ease some of the pain of the relationship, but it leaves more scars along with the one they had. According to, most victims are at higher risk for substance abuse. With the mental issues that come from the effects of an abusive relationships, teens are most likely to give in to illegal substance to get their mind off of it. It might relieve them for a little while, but the effects of the substances aren't forever. This will cause them to going back to the drugs or alcohol, to let go of the memories and become addicted. Teens today are already exposed to so much illegal substances, teen dating violence only encourages them to them.

        Teen relationships are a great way for teens to explore and mature into adults. Relationships can teach teens so much like how to love and care for someone, fully trust someone, and many more. Healthy relationships while you're a teen can lead you to more healthier relationships in the future. If a teen is in an violent relationship, it can lead to many problems in their future. It can easily cause physical & mental health issues and lead teens to illegal substance to help the pain. Teen dating violence is a worldwide issue and should be taken seriously because of it's long-lasting effects it has on a victim. No matter what the benefits are to an abusive relationship, it doesn't outweigh the consequences. Even if an abusive relationship doesn't affect you mentally or lead you to illegal substances, there is a still something that can trigger what you felt like in the situation. Violent relationships are never okay as teen or as an adult. Stop the violence early, so it doesn't affect you in the long run.

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