Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Position Statements

Group Position Statements:

1. Visitors should be responsible for their safety because it's common sense to know their own limits, they should more information about the location, and be aware of their surroundings.
2. The location should be responsible because its lacking signs, low maintenance, and weather conditions can result in accidents.
3. The government/land owner is responsible because they should have warning signs at dangerous areas, take care of their land, and put restrictions like gates in very dangerous places.

Mini Essay:

          There are many dangerous tourist attractions in Hawaii that lack warnings of danger. Many incidents have happened and there is controversial talk of who's to blame. Visitors should be able to safely look at Hawaii's natural beauty without the risk of getting hurt. The government/land owners are responsible because they should have warning signs at dangerous areas, take care of their land, and put restrictions like gates in very dangerous places.

         The government/land owners are lacking signs and maintenance in very dangerous places. In an article it states, "In 2006, 29-year-old Pamela Ramirez and 35-year-old Elizabeth Brem, both of California, died when they apparently followed the right side of a split trail and fell from an area of the cliff hidden by vegetation." This trial only had one, vague sign which didn't help or warn the public in any way. Many people could of misunderstood and thats why having a lot of clear signs are needed on dangerous hikes. In the same article it states, "Witnesses said David Potts, 44, of San Anslemo, Calif., was dancing around the blowhole when a large wave struck him behind and knocked him into the hole." A place like this should be blocked off to the public because you don't know when the blowhole or a wave is coming. There was only one warning sign in parking lot, which didn't warn visitors of any danger. The government/land owners need to warn people of any dangers because visitors don't know what's dangerous and what's not.

          With the lack of signs, maintenance, and restrictions, the government/land owners are making popular tourist attraction very dangerous.  At lookouts and hikes, multiple warning signs can really help keep our visitors safe. Putting blockage or gates to prevent people to go certain places like the blowholes make it clear that people aren't allowed there. Hawaii is a big tourist attraction, we need to care for our visitors and keeping them safe should be our priority. The government/land owners need to care for the land and think about the visitors safety to prevent any accidents.

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