Friday, May 22, 2015

Second Semester Portfolio

Hi Mom & Dad!

Click this link to look at my portfolio! After you're done with that please comment on this post answering the question, "What have you learned about your child's achievements and experiences this past year in MeneMac?"

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A'ole Moanalua: Less Homework Formal Letter

To whom it may concern,

Students around the nation struggle with homework. Although the homework might not be difficult,having too much homework can be very stressful and time consuming. My team and I are proposing a less homework policy for Moanalua High School. We believe that this policy will relieve students of the stress and exhaustion of homework.
Homework gives students many problems. A lot of students get most of their stress from homework. According to a Stanford study, 56% of students find homework to be the primary source of stress. Also, since homework can be such a big part of a student's grade, 33% of students find getting good grades as their primary source of stress. Homework also takes away time from a student's sleep. According to a study from the Child Development journal, students that lose sleep due to things like homework and studying, have a hard time to comprehend material and do well on tests. Without understanding the concepts and doing well tests this can also add to a student's stress. With less homework, students wouldn’t have as much stress and be able to learn and excel to the best of their ability.
Having less homework takes a huge weight off of students.  Moanalua should enforce a less homework policy to protect the health and well being of their students. Without having to worry about a lot of homework, it gives students extra time to do extracurricular activities, spend time with family, and get a good amount of sleep each night. Having less homework gives students more freedom.



Sunday, May 3, 2015

A'ole Moanalua: Less Homework

The purpose of our protest is to inform students, teachers, faculty, and staff about the impact excess amount of homework can have on a students overall well being. The flyer on the top briefly explains the affect a lot of homework can have on a child; while the flyer on the bottom goes over the positives of having less homework. Our slogan of our campaign, "Less Homework, More Freedom" simply means that if teachers assign less homework students will have more time for themselves, family, and overall become a happier, healthier person. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Macbeth Final Draft

     People have a natural tendency to want things. It starts when we're born and just follows us through life. It doesn't matter what it is, if it's something better than what we already have or something we don't have, we want it. In the play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, it talks about how the things we want can control us. Macbeth plays a brave soldier that is destined to be king by prophecy. Once he hears about the prophecy, the crown is the only thing he has on his mind. He shows how easy it is to let the things you want take over his decisions when he does horrible things to take the throne. Macbeth by William Shakespeare, teaches us that our temptations can lead us to do the wrong things even if it goes against our morals.
     Macbeth didn't always want to be king, it wasn't until he heard of a prophecy that he began to go after the crown. In order to reach his goal, he needed to get rid of King Duncan. At first Macbeth was very hesitant, "First, I am his kinsmen and his loyal subject, / both strong persuasions against the deed. Then I am his host, / who should lock the door against his murderer / rather than carry the knife myself" (1, 7, 13-16). He didn't feel its was right to kill an innocent person, nobody does. King Duncan trusted him and believed that he was a noble soldier. He couldn't even think about ever doing a such inhumane thing all for a crown, but Lady Macbeth, his wife, wanted that crown so much she kept pushing him to do it. "Do you wish to possess the thing / that you value most highly in life (i.e., the crown) / and yet to live like a coward in your own judgment," (1, 7, 41-43). The pressure of someone telling you what to do and calling you names is hard to fight. He never wanted to be King in the first place but somehow he got the idea stuck in his head. You don't want to be called a coward or weak so you do what they say, which is what Macbeth did. He gave into the temptation and killed the King. Lady Macbeth wanted the crown and Macbeth wanted to give to her, but now the weight of the King's death is on Macbeth's shoulders. 
     After the King is dead, Macbeth becomes more hungry for the crown but also more paranoid that people know his secret. His best friend, Banquo becomes suspicious of him. With the kings position up in the air, Macbeth keeps wishing for him to be chosen. "To be king is nothing, unless one is safely king. / My fears about Banquo is deep-rooted. / There is something kingly in his nature / which is threatening to me," (3, 1, 48- 51) The feeling of someone going after the same thing you want just makes you want it even more. You want to get the prize and beat them too. Macbeth feels that against Banquo that he decides to kill him to take him out of the running to be king. " I will tell you privately of a plot, / which carried out will destroy your enemy / and make you very dear to me, / whose peace of mind remains uncertain while Banquo lives, / but would become perfect if he were dead." (3, 1, 104-108). All for a crown, he decides again to kill someone to get ahead. He keeps letting his temptations get the best of him. He has lost control and he isn't stoppingg until he can get his crown. 
     Everything is almost in line for Macbeth to become King, but when he hears that Macduff was in his way, he once again decides to kill more. He finally becomes king but his greedy personality creates news enemies that want to tear him down in battle. " I have lived long enough. My life-style / has been transformed into a shriveled and faded leaf," ( 5, 8, 22-23) He realizes after all that he's done to get the crown, it hasn't done anything good to him. All that we risk for something we want has no meaning if it makes us a bad person. The guilt even consumed Lady Macbeth to a point where she couldn't even handle it. By himself, Macbeth is now faced with Macduff and he loses the battle. He loses his crown and life leaving the throne to Malcolm, son of King Duncan. "Life is a tale / told by an idiot, full of noise and rage, / but meaning nothing." (5, 5, 26-28) Macbeth toward the end of his life became more and more mad. If we let one thing control our entire lives, we lose out on all the other opportunities. Although Macbeth finally got what he wanted, the crown,  but never got the happiness of being a king. 
     The play Macbeth shows how our temptations get the worst of us. It can control us to do wrong things to get what we want. All Macbeth wanted was to be king and to have power, which he got, but through it all he was paranoid and unhappy with all that was going on. He had to commit murder after murder to even come close to the crown. Lady Macbeth also want the crown but it all just became too much for her to handle. In the end, they both end up not happy with their lives. What they wanted took control and they did things they never thought they would. Wanting things is a habit. We we're told to wish for our dreams and to go after what we want, but there are always obstacles to get there. We should always go and get what we want but we shouldn't do wrong things to get it. If you need to go against what your morals to get there, what you want isn't worth it. Work for your dreams and accomplish them in the right way. If we start doing wrong things to get what we want, all we'll end up with is a corrupted world.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Macbeth Rough Draft

     People have a natural tendency to want things. It starts when we're born and just follows us through life. It doesn't matter what it is, if it's something better than what we already have or something we don't have, we want it. In the play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, it talks about how the things we want can control us. In the story, Macbeth is destined to be king by prophecy. Once he hears about the prophecy, he begins to want the crown. In order to get what he wants, he's forced to do things he never thought he would have to do. As the story goes on, the things Macbeth has done begins to make him paranoid, thinking that someone knows his secret. All these suspicions forces Macbeth to keep doing bad things to keep his crown. In the end, he got caught for all he's done and loses his crown. In the play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, it teaches us that our temptations can lead us to do the wrong things even if it goes against our morals.      
     Macbeth didn't always want to be king, it wasn't until he heard of a prophecy that he began to go after the crown. He didn't act alone, his wife, Lady Macbeth played a big part in their scheme to ascend the thrown. In order to reach their goal, they needed to get rid of King Duncan. At first Macbeth was very hesitant, "First, I am his kinsmen and his loyal subject, / both strong persuasions against the deed. Then I am his host, / who should lock the door against his murderer / rather than carry the knife myself" (1, 7, 13-16). He didn't feel its was right to kill an innocent person, nobody does. King Duncan trusted him and believed that he was a noble soldier. He couldn't even think about ever doing a such inhumane thing all for a crown, but Lady Macbeth wanted that crown so much she kept pushing him to do it. "Do you wish to possess the thing / that you value most highly in life (i.e., the crown) / and yet to live like a coward in your own judgment," (1, 7, 41-43). The pressure of someone telling you what to do and calling you names is hard to fight. He never wanted to be King in the first place but somehow he You don't want to be called a coward or weak so you do what they say, which is what Macbeth did. He gave into the temptation and killed the King. Lady Macbeth wanted the crown and Macbeth wanted to give to her, but now the weight of the King's death is on Macbeth's shoulders. 
     After the King is dead, Macbeth becomes more hungry for the crown but also more paranoid that people know his secret. His best friend, Banquo becomes suspicious of him. Macbeth becomes even more paranoid. "To be king is nothing, unless one is safely king. / My fears about Banquo is deep-rooted. / There is something kingly in his nature / which is threatening to me," (3, 1, 48- 51) The feeling of someone going after the same thing you want just makes you want it even more. You want to get the prize and beat them too. Macbeth feels that against Banquo that he decides to kill him to take him out of the running to be king. " I will tell you privately of a plot, / which carried out will destroy your enemy / and make you very dear to me, / whose peace of mind remains uncertain while Banquo lives, / but would become perfect if he were dead." (3, 1, 104-108). All for a crown, he decides again to kill someone to get ahead. Now that it's getting within reach, Macbeth isn't stoppingg until he can get his crown. 
     Everything is almost in line for Macbeth to become King, but when he hears that Macduff was in his way, he once again decides to kill more. Killing Macduff's family forcing Macduff to escape to England for help. Macbeth finally ascends the thrown but with a paranoid and guilty conscious. Macduff find Malcolm, Duncan's son, who helps take on the duty to take Macbeth down in battle. Macbeth hears about it and becomes instantly worried. " I have lived long enough. My life-style / has been transformed into a shriveled and faded leaf," ( 5, 8, 22-23) He realizes after all that he's done to get the crown, it hasn't done anything good to him. All that we risk for something we want has no meaning if it makes us a bad person. The guilt even consumed Lady Macbeth to a point where she couldn't even handle it so she decides to kill herself to take it all away. By himself, Macbeth is now faced with Macduff and he loses the battle. He loses his crown and life leaving Malcolm, the rightful heir, the throne. "Life is a tale / told by an idiot, full of noise and rage, / but meaning nothing." (5, 5, 26-28) Macbeth toward the end of his life became more and more mad. He finally got what he wanted, the crown,  but never got the happiness of being a king. 
     The play Macbeth shows how our temptations get the worst of us. It can control us to do wrong things to get what we want. All Macbeth wanted was to be king and to have power, which he got, but through it all he was paranoid and unhappy with all that was going on. He had to commit murder after murder to even come close to the crown. Lady Macbeth also want the crown but it all just became too much for her to handle. In the end, they both end up not happy with their lives. What they wanted took control and they did things they never thought they would. Wanting things is a habit. We we're told to wish for our dreams and to go after what we want, but there are always obstacles to get there. We should always go and get what we want but we shouldn't do wrong things to get it. If we start doing wrong things to get what we want, all we'll end up with is a corrupted world.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4/2 Handout

Part 1:

1. I do and don't think Lady Macbeth is a cold-blooded murderer. I think she is more power hungry and lets that take over her decisions but at the same time, she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants including murder and blaming it on others.

2. Lady Macbeth faints during Act II to make it look more believable that it wasn't her husband and her that killed King Duncan. It was to show that she was surprised that he was found dead.

3. Macbeth becomes overwhelmed with guilt and very paranoid but tries to hide it to stop any suspicion from starting.

4. Lady Macbeth couldn't kill King Duncan because Duncan looked too much like her father.

5. Macbeth has gotten rid of the king but there are still more people that are in the way, according to the prophecy. The prophecy says that the sons of Banquo would be kings, so that could affect Macbeth's chances of getting the crown.

Part 2:

1. "What blame can't we attack his drunken servants, who will be held guilty of our great murder?" (Act 1, Scene 7, Lines 70-73).
    "Why did you bring these daggers from Duncan's room? / They must remain there. go take them back and smear /the sleeping guards with Duncan's blood." (Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 47-49).

2. "O Woe is me, alas! And in our house?" (Act 2, Scene 3, Lines 80-81).
    "(fainting) Help me out here." (Act 2, Scene 3, Lines 110)

3. " I won't go back there again. I am afraid to even think what I have done; I don't dare to look at it again." (Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 49-51)
    "What is the matter with me that every noise terrifies me? Whose hands are these? Ha! The tear out my eyes." (Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 57-59)

4. "I placed the guards' daggers where Macbeth cannot miss them. If Duncan hadn't looked so much like my father as he slept, I would have murdered him myself." (Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 11-13)

3/31 Handout

Part 1:

1. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's relationship is very complicated. They aren't always a very romantic couple, but they have each others back. Lady Macbeth is very controlling while Macbeth follows orders to keep her happy.

2. Macbeth decides to kill King Duncan because he doesn't want to be called a coward by Lady Macbeth. He wanted to show her that he is strong and will do anything to get the crown.

3. Macbeth is a very nice person. He wants to please everyone, but gets taken advantage of by Lady Macbeth. He then becomes paranoid and scared of whatever is going to happen but will hide it very well.

4. I don't think Macbeth will get away for killing King Duncan because at first, he couldn't find the courage to actually go through it without his wife talking him into doing it. Also, he becomes very paranoid making him seem more guilty.

5. I don't think Macbeth should kill him, but I have a strong feeling he will.

Part 2:

1. "Do you wish to possess the thing that you value most highly in life and yet you like a coward in your own judgement, letting 'I dare not' hold back 'I would' like the poor cat in the proverb?" (Act 1, Scene 7, Lines 41-45)
   "Hurry up and come here so that I can pour my strong spirits into your ear," (Act 1, Scene 5, Lines 22-23).

2. "If the murder itself could cut off any troubling consequences and attain a final success with Duncans death; if by striking this blow only, all plans would be accomplished and there would be no aftermath." (Act 1, Scene 7, Lines 2-5)
  "Just tighten your courage until its taunt and we won't fail" (Act 1, Scene 7, Lines 60-61)

3. "Whatever may come, time and tide continue through the roughest day (and bring a solution to every difficulty)." (Act 1, Scene 4, Lines 147-148)
    "I am resolved and will exert all my physical energy to this terrible task . Let's go and let's fool the world by looking our best; a deceptive appearance must hide what the deceiving heart knows." (Act 1, Scene 7, Lines 79-82)

4. "We will go no further in this business. Duncan has honored me lately I have won the good opinions of all sorts of people, which should be worn now like bright new clothes and not to be thrown aside so soon." (Act 1, Scene 7, Lines 31-34)
   "First, I am his kinsmen and his loyal subject, both strong persuasions against the deed. Then I am his host who should lock the door against his murderer rather than carry the knife myself." (Act 1, Scene 7, Lines 13-16)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Literary Check #3 & Reflection

     a. The novel "Night" by Elie Wiesel, proves how inhumane actions are unforgivable and shows how important humanity and equality truly is because without it, humans are nonexistent.

     b. Eliezer, in the novel "Night", shows us that in the toughest times, perseverance and love can help you overcome anything.


Page 30: "'Humanity? humanity is not concerned with us. Today anything is allowed. Anything is possible, even these crematories...'"

Page 32: "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky."

Page 60: "I witnessed other hangings. I never saw a single one of the victims weep. For a long time those dried up bodies had forgotten the bitter taste of tears."

Page 108: "We had been tormented with hunger. We had eaten nothing for six days, except a bit of grass or some potato peelings found near the kitchens.


Page 7-8: "The Germans were already in the town, the Fascists were already in power, the verdict had already been pronounced, yet the Jews of Sighet continued to smile."

Page 9: "Little by little life returned to normal. The barbed wire which fenced us in did not cause us any real fear. We even thought to ourselves rather well off; we were entirely self-contained."

Page 18: "'We must keep going, we must keep going.' she kept on repeating."

Page 38: "So now, muster your strength, and don't lose heart. We shall all see the day of liberation. Have faith in life. Above all else, have faith."

Reflection Paragraphs:

     The novel "Night" talks about the tragic event of the holocaust and how much the Jews suffered. The Jews lost all of their things and sometimes their lives. Although this was a horrid event, some positive things came from the book, love for your family. All throughout the book, the main character, Eliezer is focused on his father and him making it out of the camps alive. Sometimes through hard times, all we need is something to focus on to forget whats happening. For some of the Jews at the time, was their faith in god but for Eliezer, it was staying with his father and never losing him. The love for your family is unconditional. When you are in a tough time, they are the people you look to for help. When we are insecure and scared, they are the ones to comfort us. They believe in us when no one else will. Without our families, we are left with nothing. We would be alone and have no support to fall back on. Eliezer needed that support through his father, and for the most part, I believe thats how he got to survive the camps alive.

     During the holocaust, there were many inhumane actions. Whether it was Jews or others, people would die, daily, from starvation or as a punishment. These actions were all based on an opinion of their leader. The people that beat the Jews and killed them didn't care. It was a strict and hostile environment that only the fittest would survive. I don't believe anything like the holocaust could ever be justified. All of there actions is wrong and nothing should exist to say that there was a certified reason of what happened then. They killed innocent children and babies, beat men until they nearly died, and starved them. These actions made people question their faith and their lives. They made people lose their families all for the sake of making a point. This event lives in infamy because of their horrible actions to Jews. The holocaust or anything like it can never be forgotten or forgiven. It showed the true meaning of inhumanity.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Group Reader LC #2

1. Critical Stance
     a. Dehumanization is when a person isn't treated as though he or she isn't a human or depriving them of their qualities, personality, or spirit.

     b. Before the prisoners went to these camps, most were very spiritual and joyful. They all looked on the bright side of things and said it was all part of God's plan. As they spent time in these camps, they lost all sense of that to a point where some didn't worship God anymore. For example, Abika Drumer. He was once very spiritual but once we was one of the selected ones, he lost all his morale that he had. Once they went through the change of not believing, they became gloomy and lost all faith in everything.

     c. Eliezer goes through a lot while in these camps. He starts to have this sort of numbness to these horrible situations. For example at the hangings, he just looks and keeps going. He feels bad for them but he has to focus on himself to survive. As he spends more time and experience more things, he starts to lose faith in God. He believes that he shouldn't have to pray to God because he is responsible for the hangings, the crematories, and all these camps.

2. Dialectical Journal

Page 52: "I had watched the whole scene without moving. I kept quiet. In fact I was thinking how to get farther away so that I would not be hit myself. What is more, any angerI felt at that moment was directed, not against that Kapo, but against my father. I was angry at him, for not knowing how to avoid Idek's outbreak. That is what concentration camp life had made me."

Page 57: " We were not afraid. And yet, if a bomb had fallen on the blocks, it alone would have claimed hundreds of victims on the spot. But we were no longer afraid of death; at any rate not of that death. Every bomb that exploded filled us with joy and gave us new confidence in life."

Page 62: "Behind me, I heard the same man asking: "Where is God now?""

Page 64: "Why, but why should I bless Him? In every fiber I rebelled. Because He had had thousands of children burned in His pits? Because He kept six crematories working night and day, on Sundays and feast days? Because in His great might He had created Auschwitz, Birkenau, Buna and so many factories of death? How could I say to Him: "Bless art Thou, Eternal, Master of the Universe, Who chose us from among the races to be tortures day and night, to see our fathers, mothers, our brothers, end in the crematory? Praised by Thy Holy Nmae, Thou Who hast chose us to be butchered on Thine altar?""

Page 65: "I was the accuser, God the accused. My eyes were open and I was alone-teribly alone in a world without God and without man. Without love or mercy to be stronger than the Almighty, to whom my life had been tied for so long. I stood amid that praying congreation, observing it like a stranger."

Page 72-73: He was not the only one to lose faith during those selection days. I knew a rabbi from a little town in Poland, a bent old man, whose lips were always trembling. He used to pray all the time, in the block, in the yard, in the ranks. He would recite whole pages of the Talmund from memory, argue with himself, ask himself questions and answer himself. And one day he said to me: "It's the end. God is no longer with us.""

Friday, February 20, 2015

Group Reader Response LC#1: Dialectical Journal Practice

1. Critical Stance

         After all the decrees from the German soldiers, the Jews were always looking on the bright side of things. They had to abide by the commands of the German soldiers or risk their lives. As all of these hectic events were happening, they always had faith in God that this was how its supposed to be. As each decree started, the Jews saw the good side, but only up to the part before deportation.

2. Dialectical Journal Entries

- Page 18: "'We must keep going, we must keep going.' she kept on repeating."
I think this quote really captures how the Jews were when they were being invaded. They didn't lose sight of the good things in life. They always thought that this was all a part in God's plan so they kept on pushing through.

- Page 30: "'Humanity? humanity is not concerned with us. Today anything is allowed. Anything is possible, even these crematories...'"
This quote shows how bad it must have been for the Jews at the time. They were once so full of hope that things would get better, but as it got worse, thats all they expected. They truly lost all hope in humanity.

- Page 32: "Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever."
Eliezer, in the beginning was full of life, but when he gets to the camps, he is afraid of what comes next. He doesn't believe in the good of things anymore which is why this quote represents that.

- Page 34: "I glanced at my father. How he had changed! His eyes had grown dim. I would have liked to speak to him, but I did not know what to say."
In the beginning of the book, Eliezer talks about how his father was the opposite of the quote. You can see how its draining the Jews of who they were. All the beatings and labor has taken away the life of the person.

- Page 35: "Surely it was a dream."
This quote shows how unreal it must of seemed. From being at home to concentration camps in a matter of weeks or days, it must have felt like it was a dream. They went from living their lives how they wanted to being scared to say one word. It's a horrid process.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Inhumanity - Introductory to "Night"

Madison & Erin K.

Example 1:
         The first link to an act of inhumanity is of acid attacks in Pakistan. Women in Pakistan get acid thrown on their faces as a punishment or for just being a woman. If a woman was trying to get an education or join the political world, they would be attacked with acid. These attacks are keeping women in their houses because they are afraid to be attacked by strangers. If you didn’t pay your debt to a family member, they would be the person attacking you. Some cases get so severe that their faces are unrecognizable and they aren’t able to see, hear, or use their mouths. Acid attacks are now becoming very common in Pakistan but most people around the world have no idea what’s going on.

Example 2:

         This link is talking about an inhumane act in Tanzania, Africa, where albino people are being killed for their body parts and are being used in witchcraft. Albino people have a big target on their back and could be killed at anytime of day. They live in remote places in Tanzania so they can be hidden from the killers, but they are still not safe anywhere they go. Some people in the community built a statue promoting the right of albino people. This statue reminds people that albino people are the same as everyone else. The statue still didn’t stop people from killing albino people.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Allusion Poem: Odysseus FINAL

It's a long journey,
And it's still not over,
It feels endless,
The sleepless nights and constant problems,
I have to push through, 
To just keep on going, 

I encounter many beasts,
From one-eyed giants to sirens,
All they want to do is to find a way to bring me down
Not caring how much it could hurt, 
Trying to fight them off I don't always win,
But somehow, from those losses, I have the strength to go on.

Along the way, 
I met new people, discovered new things,
It was comforting to have them by my side, 
They guided and helped me on my journey,
And I helped them with theirs, 
But somewhere along the way, 

They became different, almost transformed
To a person who I didn't know,
It was hard to face the unknown without the support I had before,
It felt like a different life, a different path.
But I found others to pick me up
And get me back on my feet.

I get stuck at forks in the road,
I don't know what path to take,  
People tell me I'm intelligent and smart,
But sometimes I don't know all the right answers. 
So I take a risk and chose the opposite path that others aren't choosing 
And I know I won't regret it

Life is a long journey,
I don't know exactly where you're going,
I'm just trying to get there in the most exciting way possible,
The journey is what I make of it, 
And somewhere along the way, 
I started to live.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Allusion Poetry: Odysseus DRAFT

It's a long journey,
And it's still not over,
It feels endless,
The sleepless nights and constant problems,
I have to push through, 
To just keep on going, 

I encounter many beasts,
Some small, but others, huge,
I try to fight them,
I don't always win,  
But those losses, 
Gave me the strength to keep going,

Along the way, 
I met new people, discovered new things,
It was thrilling, 
They guided and helped me on my journey,
And I helped them with theirs, 
But somewhere along the way, 

We lost each other,
It was hard,
To face the unknown without the support I had before,
It felt like a different life,
But I found others to pick me up 
To get me back on my feet.

I get stuck at forks in the road,
I don't know what path to take,  
I see what others chose,
And I take a risk and chose the opposite path,
I won't regret it

Life is a long journey,
You don't know where you're going, 
But you're just trying to get there,
You don't know what to expect at first, 
But as you go along, 
You start to live