Thursday, December 18, 2014

Writing Standards Portfolio - 1st Semester

Hi Parents! Please click on the link below and read my portfolio.

After you're done could you please answer the following questions? Thanks!

  1. What piece of writing did you like best in my portfolio and why? 
  2. What did you like about my portfolio and sharing and what would you like to see me improve on?
  3. Which of the writing traits (ideas, organization, voice, word choice) do you feel was most successful for me?
  4. Which of the traits of writing would you like me to improve on in the coming semester?

Friday, December 5, 2014

Angry Letter Rough Draft

My Address
Honolulu, HI 96819
December 3, 2014

Brandy Melville
280 Beach Walk Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96815

Dear Brandy Melville,

My friends and I have loved going to your store in Waikiki. The store and its workers are friendly and create a very welcoming environment. With your great prices and cute clothing, I always have to make an appearance whenever I'm in Waikiki.

However, I have had some trouble finding clothes that fit me. On one of my past visits to your store, I was looking at the sizes of your clothes, and majority of the clothes were one size fits all. I tried them on, and was disappointed that they didn't fit. I keep trying on more of the one size clothing, but was majorly disappointed to leave empty handed. I know that for most girls would fit the one size fits all but, there are bigger girls that would also like to buy your clothes. Your clothing has become very popular and girls ever have love to wear their Brandy dresses and tops. Your clothing has become a trend all around the nation. I just feel that having one size for most of your clothing limits the types girls that can wear it. In your online store, I was looking through clothes and sizes, and the size is only goes up to a size 5 or a small. I feel that if there were more sizes available, girls won't have to feel like they need to be skinnier in order to wear your clothes. Other popular stores such as American Eagle and Forever 21 offer up all sizes including plus sizes. Having more sizes might be more of a hassle and can cause for more manufacturing but I think it will be worth it to have sizes to fit all girls.

In addition, I have seen many customers concerned with the same issue. I understand that you have total control over what you want to sell, but I feel that you should accommodate your customers. As I have said before your clothing has become a fashion style that most girls love to wear, I think that it's only fair to give all girls of all sizes a chance to wear your great clothing.

Other than the sizes, I have always loved your store. Your accessories, stickers, and signs are always cute and adorable. The workers are always so kind and helpful whenever I'm there. I hope you take this under consideration.

Madison Badua

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Risky Business Final Draft

          Being a teenager isn't always easy. It's the stage in our life where you're not technically a kid or and adult and you start to explore the world around you. One of the major things that occur when you' become a teen is relationships. Relationships open a whole new world of endless possibilities to teens. These relationships are fun and innocent, but things can go wrong. Since teens hormones are all over the place, they can become easily angered and violence starts to occur. This violence has now become more frequent in teens today. Teen dating violence is an issue that does have some positives impacts but mostly negative because it causes teens to have mental and physical health issues and can lead teens to engage in illegal substances.

        Being in a domestic relationship can mentally affect you in many ways. In some ways it can be good. You become mentally stronger from recovering and overcoming the situation, but most of the time it leads to depression or suicide. According to, females who had experience teen dating violence reported increased depression symptoms. Being abused by anyone leaves a permanent scar in your mind and your body making it impossible to forget. In some cases, the effects of the abuse will make you stronger in a way of knowing your limits, but that's usually not the case. The memory can be replayed over and over in your mind causing one to become depressed which leads to the thought of suicide. According to, one in every four women who were victims of domestic violence attempt suicide. After the traumatic incident, your mind can start to overthink the situation like why it happened, whose fault it is, leading you to suicide to make the thinking stop. Not only does being in an abusive relationship hurts physically, physcologically, it can lead to your death.

          Physical health is always at risk in a violent relationship. According to, one in 10 high school students has been purposely hit, slapped, or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. Abuse can varied in many ways. A push or shove doesn't as have much of an impact as a punch but is still abuse. It's never okay to abuse to someone is taken as serious crime. According to, nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. Teens experience the abuse sometimes daily, which can cause for more serious injuries in the future. Being in a abusive relationship can also make a person tougher in way, like you have to know how to defend and protect yourself, but while in a relationship, no one should have to prepare to protect themselves. Abuse in relationships is never okay in any relationship.

        Teen dating violence has often lead to teens engaging in illegal substances. After getting out of a violent relationship, teens are still scared and look to things like drugs and alcohol to help. According to WebMD Health News, females and males who reported dating violence as teens are most likely to smoke and use marijuana more than other teens that have not experienced dating violence. It does ease some of the pain of the relationship, but it leaves more scars along with the one they had. According to, most victims are at higher risk for substance abuse. With the mental issues that come from the effects of an abusive relationships, teens are most likely to give in to illegal substance to get their mind off of it. It might relieve them for a little while, but the effects of the substances aren't forever. This will cause them to going back to the drugs or alcohol, to let go of the memories and become addicted. Teens today are already exposed to so much illegal substances, teen dating violence only encourages them to them.

        Teen relationships are a great way for teens to explore and mature into adults. Relationships can teach teens so much like how to love and care for someone, fully trust someone, and many more. Healthy relationships while you're a teen can lead you to more healthier relationships in the future. If a teen is in an violent relationship, it can lead to many problems in their future. It can easily cause physical & mental health issues and lead teens to illegal substance to help the pain. Teen dating violence is a worldwide issue and should be taken seriously because of it's long-lasting effects it has on a victim. No matter what the benefits are to an abusive relationship, it doesn't outweigh the consequences. Even if an abusive relationship doesn't affect you mentally or lead you to illegal substances, there is a still something that can trigger what you felt like in the situation. Violent relationships are never okay as teen or as an adult. Stop the violence early, so it doesn't affect you in the long run.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Risky Business Rough Draft

          Being a teenager isn't always easy. It's the stage in our life where you're not technically a kid or and adult and you start to explore the world around you. One of the major things that occur when you' become a teen is relationships. Relationships open a whole new world of endless possibilities to teens. Although sometimes these relationships become violent and can become a dangerous situation putting the teens at risk. Teen dating violence is an issue that does have some positives impacts but mostly negative because it causes teens to have mental and physical health issues and can lead teens to engage in illegal substances.

        Being in a domestic relationship can mentally affect you in many ways. In some ways it can be good. You become mentally stronger from recovering and overcoming the situation, but most of the time it leads to depression or suicide. According to, females who had experience teen dating violence reported increased depression symptoms. Being abused by anyone leaves a permanent scar in your mind and your body making it impossible to forget. The memory can be replayed over and over in your mind causing one to become depressed which leads to the thought of suicide. According to, one in every four women who were victims of domestic violence attempt suicide. Not only does being in an abusive relationship hurts physically, physcologically, it can lead to your death.

          Physical health is always at risk in a violent relationship. According to, one in 10 high school students has been purposely hit, slapped, or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. Abuse can varied in many ways. A push or shove doesn't as have much of an impact as a punch but is still abuse. It's never okay to abuse to someone is taken as serious crime. Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. Although, some people may find it benefitting because it allows the person to learn to defend themselves, there's no excuse for any abuse.

        Teen dating violence has often lead to teens engaging in illegal substances. After getting out of a violent relationship, teens are still scared and look to things like drugs and alcohol to help. According to WebMD Health News, females and males who reported dating violence as teens are most likely to smoke and use marijuana more than other teens that have not experienced dating violence. Most teens use these substances to help relieve the physcological pain of their abusive relationship. According to, most victims are at higher risk for substance abuse. Although, some people could see this as a good thing because it does help them to overcome the situation but taking part in illegal activities isn't a good thing.

        Teen dating violence is a worldwide issue and should be taken seriously because of it's long-lasting effects it has on a victim. It can easily cause physical & mental health issues and lead teens to illegal substance to help the pain. Teens should be careful and have healthy relationships that can benefit them as they become adults. Abuse and domestic violence should taken very seriously and never happen to any person because there are no positive effects. Teen dating violence leaves

Sunday, September 21, 2014

College Essay FINAL

University of Virginia
Prompt: Describe a place or environment where you are perfect content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?

          Everyone has their place where you can be you and be genuinely happy. It can be at home in your room or in your imagination where you can roam freely. Being a ballet dancer, my favorite state of mind is when I'm dancing. The rush of adrenaline pumping, the hype of getting the movement right, and just the total feeling of it, makes me tingle inside. There would be no place for me to feel that rush, if it wasn't for my dance school, Queen Emma Ballet. It's the only place where I can be in that state of mind and fit in with everyone there. It has people I can relate to, people to look up to, and gives me the best feeling in the world. Even if it sounds very cliche, this place will always be my home away from home, the place where I was allowed to be who I wanted, and where I belonged.

        When people first see me, they rarely think that I'm a dancer and the thought of me being a ballet dancer is a one and a million chance. I really don't fit the image of a "prima ballerina" in training. I'm basically a girl who just liked to dance and my studio was the place where I got to embrace it. In grande allegro or big jumps,  I can fly across the room easily. In pirouettes or turns, if I set my mind to it, I'm able to do 3. Which in my studio is a lot. Dancing makes me feel free. Almost like I'm superhuman. I can do the impossible when I'm dancing. I'm in control and there's no one telling me what I have to do. In ballet class, I'm me in every single possible way. I can put my own little flair into each combination which makes ten times more fun. The studio itself is small and simple, but there's nothing I would change about it, except occasionally adding AC for those really hot days. The best thing about it is that I feel totally comfortable, like it's my home. It gives a welcoming vibe that is impossible to resist.

       The studio had it's own special charm, but the people that came with it made it all the more amazing. I can't go that much in detail about who they are, but I'll just leave it at awesome. They are some of the most awesome people in the world. They put up with me four days a week and they still haven't tried to get rid of me yet. The memories we make are never not incredible. We just have fun, do weird, stupid things, but we own it. We're a special type of breed of dancers that just perfectly fit together. Without them, it would be like having having no pho (a.k.a. my favorite food ever) in the world, which means that I would be the saddest person in the universe. They help me improve, dance-wise and personality-wise, and make bad days not that bad. I completely trust them which I can't say for a lot of people in my life. They're my family that loves me no matter how weird I can get.

        My friends and the studio would be nothing if we didn't have our teachers. Just like school, I have teachers that I love and teachers that I "tolerate". The teachers I love, I would never replace. One of my favorite teachers, Ms. Eve, who is like our dance mom. She gets mad at us a lot, just like any other mom would, but somehow manages to still love us. We even have little special talks about life and school, and it makes going to dance practice feel like it's not practice. The connection that I have with her is different than a regular student-teacher relationship, and like I have been saying this whole essay, we're a family. Having her in my corner has made me more courageous and outgoing because I knew could always count on her.  She and all the other teachers tie the whole essence of Queen Emma Ballet together.

         Queen Emma Ballet is and will always be my second home with the best second family a girl could ask for. Just the thought of the place brings a smile to my face. On some days, it beats going home. When I'm either at my lowest or highest, I can always count on this place to be there 24/7. I don't even have the words to tell you how special this place is but I will tell you how grateful I am to be a part of it. I don't think I would be half the person I am today without this place. I know that this place has made me more confident and courageous, which is something I'm still working on. We may be small in size and quantity, but we're a force to be reckoned with. I love this place because in any other place I would never feel like I belonged like the way I feel at Queen Emma Ballet A.K.A. the place where I'm perfectly content.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Word Choice Oymipics

1. Walking through the doors to see his children for the first time in 8 months, he couldn't help but to smile. His heart beat picked up as he saw his kids for the first time. He dropped to his knees as they ran to hug him. Once they were in reach, he pulled them in for a big hug. Smiles stretched from ear to ear. With tears in their eyes, they shouted with joy, "Daddy I can't believe your home!"

2. "I know you killed my husband." she thought when she sipped her tea. "I wanted you to come over so we could talk John". "I'm happy to be here, what did you have in mind?" he replied with no hesitation. "I wanted to show you something." she said, walking over to a picture of her and her late husband. His heart started beat faster as he took the picture in his hand. "I see it in your eyes, you murderer" she thought again as she pointed the gun to the back of his head. She hesitated as her hand began to shake. She felt her stomach drop as she pulled the trigger, killing the man she knew her whole life.

3. Winding down to last few seconds of the match, United States were able to get that last point they needed. The score was 26-26 with 35 seconds on the clock. The ball was now in play. 15 seconds on the clock, the ball was set for the spike of the year. 10 seconds, she waited for the perfect moment, she spiked the ball as hard as she could. With 5.6 seconds left, the match was over. With the blow of the whistle, the referee announced the winner, "United States with 27-26 takes the gold medal." Every bone in their body tingles with excitement. They stood on that platform, pledging to the United States of America, proud to be a part of it.

4. Looking down into darkness, your stomach twists. "Come on, jump off!" your friends yell at you. You don't want to look like a wimp, so you close your eyes and take a deep breath. You can here the waves crashing into the rock as you bend your knees. Your mind goes into overdrive on the worst case scenarios. The beat of your heart picks up as you make your decision to jump. You scream at the top of your lungs until your toes hit the water. Completely submerged in the water, you spring back up for air. Gasping for air, you realize you actually jumped. Relieved and calm, you smile waiting for your friends to follow your lead.

5. "Ring ring!" You wake up to an irritating buzzer. You shut your annoying alarm off and groan. Your bed feels undeniably comfortable but you have a busy day of school ahead of you. "I'll just sleep for five more minutes" you say, and doze off. Jolting up in bed, you realize those five minutes turned into thirty. Throwing the blanket off you bounce out of bed trying not to be late. Brush your teeth, wash your face, change your clothes and your all set. Looking at your bed, all you want to do is jump back in and fall back into a soothing sleep. 

Coming Age Poster Final

Sunday, September 7, 2014

College Essay Rough Draft

University of Virginia
Prompt: Describe a place or environment where you are perfect content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?

          Everyone has their place where you are you and just happy, whether its at home in your room or in your imagination where you can roam freely. Being a dancer, my favorite place to be is dancing. The rush of adrenaline pumping, the hype of getting the movement right, and just the total feeling of it, makes me tingle inside. There would be no place for me to feel that rush, if it wasn't for my dance school, Queen Emma Ballet. Even if it sounds very cliche, this place will always be my home away from home, the place where I was allowed to be who I wanted, and where I belonged.

        When people first see me, they rarely think that I'm a dancer and the thought of me being a ballet dancer is one and a million. I really don't fit the image of a "prima ballerina" in training. I'm basically a girl who just liked to dance and my studio was the place where I got to embrace it. In grande allegro,  I can fly. In adagio, I release my emotions. In ballet, I'm me in every single possible way.
The studio itself is small and simple, but there's nothing I would change about it, except occasionally adding AC for those really hot days. The best thing about it is that I feel totally comfortable, like it's my home. It gives a welcoming vibe that is impossible to resist.

       The studio had it's own special charm, but the people that came with it made it all the more amazing. I can't go that much in detail about who they are, but I'll just leave it at awesome. They are some of the most awesomest people in the world. They put up with me four days a week and they still haven't tried to get rid of me yet. The memories we make are never not incredible. We just have fun, do weird, stupid things, but we own it. We're a special type of breed of dancers that just perfectly fit together. Without them, it would be like having having no pho (a.k.a. my favorite food ever) in the world, which means that I would be the saddest person in the universe. They help me improve, dance-wise and personality-wise, and make bad days not that bad. They're my family that loves me no matter how weird I can get.

        My friends and the studio would be nothing if we didn't have our teachers. Just like school, I have teachers that I love and teachers that I "tolerate". The teachers I love, I would never replace. One of my favorite teachers, Ms. Eve, is almost like our dance mom. She gets mad at us a lot, just like any other mom would, but somehow manages to still love us. We even have little special talks about life and school, and it makes going to dance practice feel like it's not practice. The connection that I have with her is different than a regular student-teacher relationship, and like I have been saying this whole essay, we're family. She and all the other teachers tie the whole essence of Queen Emma Ballet together.

         Queen Emma Ballet is and will always be my second home with the best second family a girl could ask for. Just the feeling of the place brings a smile to my face. On some days, it beats going home. I don't even have the words to tell you how special this place is but I will tell you how grateful I am to be a part of it. I don't think I would be half the person I am today without this place. I know that this place has made me more confident and courageous, which is something I'm still working on. We may be small in size and quantity, but we're a force to be reckoned with. Queen Emma Ballet A.K.A. the place where I'm perfectly content.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

College Essay Prompts

1. University of California: Describe the world you came from - for example, your family, community or school - tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

2. New York University: Describe an experience that has impacted who you are as a person. What is special, unique, distinctive about you or your life story?

3. University of Chicago: A neon installation by the artist Jeppe Hein in UChicago's Charles M. Harper Center asks for us: "Why are you here and not somewhere else?" (There are many potential values of "here", but we already know you're "here" to apple yo the University of Chicago; pick any "here" besides that one).

Monday, August 25, 2014

Coming of Age FINAL

     My grandpa was one of the main people in my life. I saw him first thing in the morning and the last at night. My dad told me stories about how much my grandpa loved me. My dad said he always pushed me around outside and made me my own hammock in the middle of the living room when I was still a baby. He was one of my heroes from day one. He always encouraged me to be the best I could possibly could but as I kid, I didn't really take it seriously. I just nodded my head to pretend like I understood. After we went on with our lives. I remember lazy afternoons with him playing cards, how we loved to play Wii bowling together, and how he made the lamest jokes but I still laughed to see him smile. He was definitely the best grandpa a girl could ever ask for.
     During middle school, my grandpa was starting to get sick. He made constant visits to the doctors and the hospital. It was an endless feeling of fear if he was going to die or not. When I realized who serious it was, I started to help out. I went to each doctor appointment, made sure he took all his medications, took his blood pressure, and everything else in between. I was basically his nurse, but I was happy to be there for him. It was hard to balance out school and taking care of him, but I knew that it meant a lot to my family knowing that I was there. I thought he was getting better, they thought that he might even get home in time for Christmas, but the unthinkable happened Christmas morning.
     My stomach twisted and turned all night. It felt like something wasn't right. I woke up like it was natural for me to be up at 4 in the morning. I heard talking in the hallway and I instantly knew something wasn't right. My dad told me, "We're going to the hospital, grandma called. Something happened with grandpa." My heart dropped, thinking of the worst. Pulling myself together, I got into the car hoping for the best.
     We finally arrived at Kuakini Hospital. This place had become so familiar over the past weeks. I knew exactly where I needed to go. The elevator ride felt endless. I just wanted to get to him and prove that nothing was wrong. I stepped out of the elevator and saw my grandma sitting down, crying. He was gone. They told me "he's in a better place where he isn't suffering". This comforted me, but that fact he was gone still killed me. I couldn't cry because I felt like I wasn't allowed too. I felt the need to be the strong one to comfort everyone else. The only thing that was on my mind was making sure that everyone else was okay even if I wasn't.
     A week later, my uncle who was planning my grandpa's funeral, asked me if I wanted to say anything at the funeral. Thinking that I had to, I accepted. That night I sat my desk, pencil and paper ready, thinking of my grandpa. When I thought about my grandpa, all I thought about was how strong he was. He moved our whole family to Hawaii from the Philippines hoping to find a better life. He taught me how to be strong just like him. He never frowned or cried, he just kept on going. He was definitely one of my heroes. He always smiled, cheered me up, and just made me happy. I remember playing cards at the hospital with him, watching TV together, and eating together every night. Thinking about all my memories with him  made me so happy, but I felt a tear roll down my check. I smiled knowing that it was okay to miss him because I still had a part of him with me.
     A month or so after, we had his funeral. Standing there at the podium, my main goal was to cheer to everybody up. I talked about how my grandpa was funny and always smiling. I looked to my family to see smiles on their faces. I don't think I have ever felt so good in my entire life. After everything was said and done, my family came back to our house. We talked all night about my grandpa. I smiled and laughed all night long with the people I love while hearing about my grandpa and his long, happy life.
    During this whole process, I learned so much. As a kid, I thought I was responsible, but I didn't really know what that meant. At school, I did just enough. I didn't really go above and beyond what I could do, I just made it to get the grade. I never really put my full effort because my teachers thought it was good enough.  My grandpa always taught me to excel in life, whether it was in school or anything else. I didn't realize what that meant until after he was gone. I started putting everything I got into everything I did, whether it was school or dance. Saying goodbye to one of the most important people in my life was one of the hardest things to do, but it made me stronger. I knew that losing him meant a new chapter in my life. I wouldn't see him every morning and night and I would have to survive without his support. My grandpa was a strong, happy man, and now it was my turn to follow in his footsteps. He's my motivation to be the best person I can be everyday. He went through so many hardships, like moving our whole family to Hawaii with only having a 4th grade education behind him. He didn't know what was going to happen, but he tried his best and look where it got him, a long, happy life with a loving family. I don't know what was going happen next after he was gone, but I know that my grandpa would want the best for me. With him in my heart, I'm ready for what comes next.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blog Revisions

        The changes I made to my blog was basically my background and header. I put the background as pink roses because I really liked how they look even though I'm not a big fan of pink. For my header I used this sunrise background because I absolutely love the colors it shows in the sky. It also represents a new beginning or a new day. I have a cloud of some of my favorite memories and people because it shows my past. It goes along with my title "The Best is Yet to Come" because I'm showing myself looking at my past waiting for the future.
        My blog archive is organized in years then months then the titles of the entries. I also labeled and categorized my freshman year work on the side with my blog archive.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Coming Of Age: Rough Draft

     My stomach twisted and turned all night. It felt like something wasn't right. I woke up like it was natural for me to be up at 4 in the morning. I heard talking in the hallway and I instantly knew something wasn't right. My dad told me, "We're going to the hospital, grandma called. Something happened with grandpa." My heart dropped, thinking of the worst. Pulling myself together, I got into the car hoping for the best.
     We finally arrived at Kuakini Hospital. This place had become so familiar over the past weeks. I knew exactly where I needed to go. The elevator ride felt endless. I just wanted to get to him and prove that nothing was wrong. I stepped out of the elevator and saw my grandma sitting down, crying. He was gone. They told me "he's in a better place where he isn't suffering". This comforted me, but that fact he was gone still killed me. I couldn't cry because I felt like I wasn't allowed too. I felt the need to be the strong one to comfort everyone else. The only thing that was on my mind was making sure that everyone else was okay even if I wasn't.
     A week later, my uncle who was planning my grandpa's funeral, asked me if I wanted to say anything at the funeral. Thinking that I had to, I accepted. That night I sat my desk, pencil and paper ready, thinking of my grandpa. He was definitely one of my heroes. He always smiled, cheered me up, and just made me happy. I poured my heart onto paper. Thinking about all my memories with him  made me so happy, but I felt a tear roll down my check. I smiled knowing that it was okay to miss him because I still had a part of him with me.
     A month or so after, we had his funeral. Standing there at the podium, my main goal was to cheer to everybody up. I talked about how my grandpa was funny and always smiling. I looked to my family to see smiles on their faces. I don't think I have ever felt so good in my entire life. After everything was said and done, my family came back to our house. We talked all night about my grandpa. I smiled and laughed all night long with the people I love while hearing about my grandpa and his long, happy life.
    During this whole process, I learned so much. Saying goodbye to one of the most important people in my life was one of the hardest things to do, but it made me stronger. I knew that losing him meant a new chapter in my life. I didn't know what was going happen next but I knew that my grandpa would want for me to be happy. My grandpa was a strong, happy man, and now it was my turn to follow in his footsteps. He's my motivation to be the best person I can be everyday. With him in my heart, I'm ready for what comes next.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Position Statements

Group Position Statements:

1. Visitors should be responsible for their safety because it's common sense to know their own limits, they should more information about the location, and be aware of their surroundings.
2. The location should be responsible because its lacking signs, low maintenance, and weather conditions can result in accidents.
3. The government/land owner is responsible because they should have warning signs at dangerous areas, take care of their land, and put restrictions like gates in very dangerous places.

Mini Essay:

          There are many dangerous tourist attractions in Hawaii that lack warnings of danger. Many incidents have happened and there is controversial talk of who's to blame. Visitors should be able to safely look at Hawaii's natural beauty without the risk of getting hurt. The government/land owners are responsible because they should have warning signs at dangerous areas, take care of their land, and put restrictions like gates in very dangerous places.

         The government/land owners are lacking signs and maintenance in very dangerous places. In an article it states, "In 2006, 29-year-old Pamela Ramirez and 35-year-old Elizabeth Brem, both of California, died when they apparently followed the right side of a split trail and fell from an area of the cliff hidden by vegetation." This trial only had one, vague sign which didn't help or warn the public in any way. Many people could of misunderstood and thats why having a lot of clear signs are needed on dangerous hikes. In the same article it states, "Witnesses said David Potts, 44, of San Anslemo, Calif., was dancing around the blowhole when a large wave struck him behind and knocked him into the hole." A place like this should be blocked off to the public because you don't know when the blowhole or a wave is coming. There was only one warning sign in parking lot, which didn't warn visitors of any danger. The government/land owners need to warn people of any dangers because visitors don't know what's dangerous and what's not.

          With the lack of signs, maintenance, and restrictions, the government/land owners are making popular tourist attraction very dangerous.  At lookouts and hikes, multiple warning signs can really help keep our visitors safe. Putting blockage or gates to prevent people to go certain places like the blowholes make it clear that people aren't allowed there. Hawaii is a big tourist attraction, we need to care for our visitors and keeping them safe should be our priority. The government/land owners need to care for the land and think about the visitors safety to prevent any accidents.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Second Semester Portfolio

Hi Mom and Dad,
Please look over my second semester portfolio and hopeful you'll be able to comment and answer this question.
Q: What did you learn about your child's achievements and experiences in MeneMAC this past year? Link:
Thanks! (:


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Merchant of Venice Character Analysis FINAL

   A comedic story of love, religion, and money sums up Shakespeare's play, "The Merchant of Venice". In the 1500's, when this was written, life was more complicated and revolved on who you were and what you had. The story is about a merchant, Antonio, who helps his good friend, Bassanio, borrow money to see the love of his life, Portia. In order to get the money, Antonio and Bassanio, had to make a deal with the loaner, Shylock. Throughout the story, you get to see how the conflicts of money, religion, and love all tie into the characters and how they develop in the story. One character in particular shows himself clearly throughout the whole story. Shylock is a greedy, mean Jew that clearly represents a narcissistic person.
   In the story, Shylock is portrayed as a cruel Jew that only cares about his religion, money, and himself. In act one where they talk about lending the money, Shylock says "This kindness will I show. Go with me to the notary, seal me there, Your single bond, and, in merry sport, If you repay me not  on such a day, In such place, such sum or sum as are Expressed in the condition, let the forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken In what part of your body pleaseth me." (Act 1, Scene 3, 140-148) This is a very clear representation of how Shylock is a very cruel, greedy person because he would take a pound of flesh from someone who couldn't pay off his debt. This bond is another reason of how selfish he is by not just lending the money to Bassanio and Antonio because of his own reasons. Further along the story, Shylock says  to Antonio "I'll have my bond; I will not hear thee speak. I'll have my bond, and therefore speak no more. I'll not be made a soft and dull-eyed fool, To shake the head relent, and sigh, and yield To Christian intercessor. Follow not; I'll have no speaking, I will have my bond." (Act 3, Scene 3, 12-17) After finding out Antonio can't pay back his debt, Shylock becomes greedier for his pound of flesh because of how Antonio used to treat him of being a Jew. He refuses to even talk to Antonio showing how selfish he can be to get what he wants. Shylock is a very important character to the story, he shows the bad side of how a person can be like greedy, selfish, and cruel. 
   Shylock has faced many problems throughout the story that deals with religion and money. In the beginning of the story a religion conflict occurs, Shylock says to Antonio "You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, And spit upon my Jewish gaberdine, And all for use of that which is mine own." (Act 1, Scene 3, 10-14) The time this play was written, Christians and Jews didn't get along which is shown in the play between the other characters and Shylock. Shylock is constantly bullied throughout the story of being Jewish which could also be why he is bitter to the Christians like Antonio. Another conflict that happens when Shylock won't get his bond and is threatened to have most of his things taken away, Shylock says "Nay, take my life and all, pardon not that. You take my house, when you take the prop That doth sustain my house: you take my life, When do you take the means whereby I live." (Act 4, Scene 1, 370-373) After the judge rules he can't have his bond, Shylock is embarrassed and almost has to give up on his things. This is a big conflict because this bond is a main part of the story and now that it's done Shylock has to deal with it. Shylock faces many problems, but his bond and how he is treated is the biggest conflicts he deals with in the play. 
   Even though Shylock is portrayed as greedy and selfish, there is a lot to learn from outcomes of his actions. Towards the middle of the play, Jessica, his daughter, plans to escape him with the help of Lorenzo. Lorenzo explains the plan to Gratiano "I must tell thee all. She hath directed How I shall take her from her father's house, What gold and jewels she furnished with, What page suit she hath in readiness. if e'er the Jew her father come to heaven It will be for his gentle daughter's sake, And never dare misfortune cross her foot Unless she do it under this excuse: That she is a to a faithless Jew." (Act 2, Scene 4, 30-38) Jessica doesn't want to be a Jew like her father and escapes to be with Lorenzo taking as much as her fathers money she can carry. Shylock experiences this loss because of how he is as a person making him even more miserable than he already is. Also in the story, Shylock doesn't get anything he wants out of his bond made with Antonio. Portia tells Shylock "Thou shalt have nothing but forfeiture To her taken at they peril Jew." (Act 4, Scene 1, 39-40) After all the greediness and cruelty in order to get this bond, Shylock doesn't get anything even though the bond was broken. This shows how his actions showed to affect how he ended up at the end of the play. Shylock is primary example of a person not to because his personality of greed and selfishness ends up into outcomes that you didn't want. 
   Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice" is a very complicated but important character based on his personality of greed and selfishness. His actions were so conniving, that his own daughter left to become a Christian taking his money with her. After this, Shylock was full of hatred and wanted revenge. He wanted to make Antonio suffer for bullying him about his religion, taking a loved one, and stealing his money. In the end, his cruel ways got the best of him and left him with nothing. Shylock is a main character that ties the story together. He represents more than the bad qualities of a person but also what might come of these qualities. He is a perfect example of how acting in a negative way, such as greed and selfishness, will create more problems for you in life and make you live your life in a negative perspective. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Merchant of Venice Character Analysis

   Shakespeare's play, "The Merchant of Venice", is a comedy full of conflicts. The story is about a merchant, Antonio, who helps his good friend, Bassanio, borrow money to see the love of his life, Portia. In order to get the money, Antonio and Bassanio, had to make a deal with the loaner, Shylock. Throughout the story, you get to see how the conflicts of money, religion, and love all tie into the characters and how they develop in the story. One character in particular shows himself clearly throughout the whole story. Shylock is a greedy, mean Jew that clearly represents a narcissistic person. 
   In the story, Shylock is portrayed as a cruel Jew that only cares about his religion, money, and himself. In act one where they talk about lending the money, Shylock says "This kindness will I show. Go with me to the notary, seal me there, Your single bond, and, in merry sport, If you repay me not  on such a day, In such place, such sum or sum as are Expressed in the condition, let the forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken In what part of your body pleaseth me." (Act 1, Scene 3, 140-148) This is a very clear representation of how Shylock is a very cruel, greedy person because he would take a pound of flesh from someone who couldn't pay off his debt. This bond is another reason of how selfish he is by not just lending the money to Bassanio and Antonio because of his own reasons. Further along the story, Shylock says  to Antonio "I'll have my bond; I will not hear thee speak. I'll have my bond, and therefore speak no more. I'll not be made a soft and dull-eyed fool, To shake the head relent, and sigh, and yield To Christian intercessor. Follow not; I'll have no speaking, I will have my bond." (Act 3, Scene 3, 12-17) After finding out Antonio can't pay back his debt, Shylock becomes greedier for his pound of flesh because of how Antonio used to treat him of being a Jew. He refuses to even talk to Antonio showing how selfish he can be to get what he wants. Shylock is a very important character to the story, he shows the bad side of how a person can be like greedy, selfish, and cruel. 
   Shylock has faced many problems throughout the story that deals with religion and money. In the beginning of the story a religion conflict occurs, Shylock says to Antonio "You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, And spit upon my Jewish gaberdine, And all for use of that which is mine own." (Act 1, Scene 3, 10-14) The time this play was written, Christians and Jews didn't get along which is shown in the play between the other characters and Shylock. Shylock is constantly bullied throughout the story of being Jewish which could also be why he is bitter to the Christians like Antonio. Another conflict that happens when Shylock won't get his bond and is threatened to have most of his things taken away, Shylock says "Nay, take my life and all, pardon not that. You take my house, when you take the prop That doth sustain my house: you take my life, When do you take the means whereby I live." (Act 4, Scene 1, 370-373) After the judge rules he can't have his bond, Shylock is embarrassed and almost has to give up on his things. This is a big conflict because this bond is a main part of the story and now that it's done Shylock has to deal with it. Shylock faces many problems, but his bond and how he is treated is the biggest conflicts he deals with in the play. 
   Even though Shylock is portrayed as greedy and selfish, there is a lot to learn from outcomes of his actions. Towards the middle of the play, Jessica, his daughter, plans to escape him with the help of Lorenzo. Lorenzo explains the plan to Gratiano "I must tell thee all. She hath directed How I shall take her from her father's house, What gold and jewels she furnished with, What page suit she hath in readiness. if e'er the Jew her father come to heaven It will be for his gentle daughter's sake, And never dare misfortune cross her foot Unless she do it under this excuse: That she is a to a faithless Jew." (Act 2, Scene 4, 30-38) Jessica doesn't want to be a Jew like her father and escapes to be with Lorenzo taking as much as her fathers money she can carry. Shylock experiences this loss because of how he is as a person making him even more miserable than he already is. Also in the story, Shylock doesn't get anything he wants out of his bond made with Antonio. Portia tells Shylock "Thou shalt have nothing but forfeiture To her taken at they peril Jew." (Act 4, Scene 1, 39-40) After all the greediness and cruelty in order to get this bond, Shylock doesn't get anything even though the bond was broken. This shows how his actions showed to affect how he ended up at the end of the play. Shylock is primary example of a person not to because his personality of greed and selfishness ends up into outcomes that you didn't want. 
   Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice" is a very complicated but important character based on his personality of greed and selfishness. His actions results in to many conflicts which end up in solutions that don't benefit him but everyone else. Throughout the story, he became more and more greedy and selfish, but in the end, ended up with nothing. He is a perfect example of how acting in a negative way, such as greed and selfishness, will create more problems for you in life and make you live your life in a negative perspective. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Reflection Questions

Reflection Questions (Sheryl &Madison):

1.)   The play opens with Antonio, the merchant, admitting that he is sad, but not knowing why.  Think of times when you’ve been sad.  Have you always understood exactly why, or has your sadness sometimes seemed strange to you?  Explain.

For me, sadness always seems to strange. Sometimes just the feeling of sadness can come over but there is no reason of it. Specific things can always make me sad like thinking of my grandpa, and I know exactly why I'm sad. Sometimes I can be happy but still have that gloomy sad feeling become a part of my day. Sadness is a tricky feeling because it can go into being depressed or angry and you get confused why you're even feeling that. The feeling of sadness is a feeling that takes a while for someone to shake off and be happy. Sadness is a strange feeling and it probably always will be. 

2.)   In Shakespeare’s time, lending money for interest was called “usury” and was generally considered immoral.  How have attitudes changed since then?

Now, interest is considered a good thing. When you invest your money into a bank, your interest gives you more money. People today want more and more money because that's the way we live today. The more money you have, the more you can get and how successful you can be. Before paying extra after a long time period was considered bad because of the lack of money all around. Now, people want more and more money to make their life easier.

3.)   Think of the recent banking crisis and the state of today’s economy.  Do you think it’s all right to lend someone a large amount of money based on their word and reputation even though they may not have any concrete evidence of being able to pay you back?

I don't think it's right because today in our economy we don't have a lot of money. I think it's okay to invest money into banks but you have to remember any bank can get robbed at any point in time. If your deciding based on reputations and their word I wouldn't put any money in that bank. Especially if there wouldn't be any chance of getting your money back. 

4.)   This play includes romantic love stories and also ethnic and religious conflict.  How well do you expect these elements to blend?

I don't expect these elements to blend well in the story. Ethnic and religion doesn't mix well because of the different views people have on it. When the ethnic and religious conflicts can also cause problems in the romantic love stories. When all these problems come together, it creates a big problem throughout the story. even though it will result in problems, it makes the story more interesting .

Shakespeare Statements


Don’t rely on outward appearances when making judgments.

I agree with this statement because anyone can keep up with an appearances but still be different than who they really are. In my personal experience, I have notice that someone can be nice on the outside but turn out to be someone who is mean and ignorant when you get to know them. Also, you can get a mean impression but they turn out to be nice.

Justice is always blind.

I agree with this statement because justice should always be equal to everyone. Justice isn't biased or persuaded. In my personal experience, people who are different races seem to be punished unfairly before but now, justice is served to everyone.

A brotherly love between two friends can be just as strong as an intimate love between a man and a woman.

I disagree with this statement because you can love and support your friend or boyfriend/girlfriend but in different ways. You wouldn't be as intimate with friend than your boyfriend/girlfriend. You can still love your friend and boyfriend/girlfriend but there are different ways to do that.

You can break a promise as long as you have a good excuse

I disagree with statement because if you make a promise you should always keep it no matter what. In my personal experience I have gone through breaking a promise and have someone break their promise and it never turned out in a good way. Someone shouldn't break a promise because a person is trusting you and even with an excuse, you lose their trust.

Love is blind.

I agree with this statement because love can be with anyone and should be with anyone. Love bonds people together and creates a stronger bond between people. In my personal experience, I have had friends who I call my family because of the love that bonds us together. Love doesn't care who you are but it also accepts it.

Stereotypes are often right.

I disagree with this statement because most of the times stereotypes are wrong. In my personal experience, people think of the stereotype when I tell them that I do ballet. The stereotype of ballet and what it actually is, is majorly different. Stereotypes are never right in today's world.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is a good motto to live by.

I disagree and agree with this statement because it's good to give something and receive, but it's not always needed. When I'm is nice to someone, I do expect them to be nice to me, but if I give someone a gift, I don't need them to give something back and of the same value. Living by this motto can result in bad situations.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Of Mice and Men Vocab: Madison & Elizabeth

“ ‘Awright,’ she said contemptuously.” (Page 78)

Contemptuously - expressing extreme hatred or disapproval; contempt

The girl contemptuously gave her parents attitude because they wouldn't let her go to a unsupervised high school party.

"... "Curley gon'ta want get 'im lynched. Curley'll get 'im killed."" (Page 94)

Lynched - an illegal fatal consequence of a crime

The man was lynched after murdering someone in a dark alley. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Metaphor Graphic

Metaphor Poem Final

I'm more than what meets the eye,
I'm not simple, more complex
I can look intimidating but gentle
I can be shy and out of place
With my eighty-eight keys and black sleek case
I am a piano

I start off softly and slowly
I'm intelligent
playing the right keys and at the right time
Playing louder and louder
More playful and fun
I'm confident,
Wanting to play more and more

I'm lazy
Making me make mistakes
With wrong key or wrong timing
I'm stubborn
Not wanting to play
But, I'm dependable
I'm there for people when no one else is,
I'm there to relieve stress from a hard day,
Used to create a song for a good day,
I am a piano,
Always here.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Metaphor Poem

At first glance,
I can look intimidating but gentle
With my eighty-eight keys and black sleek case
Shyly enclosing me from the world

Softly and slowly
But intelligently and
With the right keys and timing
My music fills the air
Getting used to everything,
I'm playful and fun
As I get louder and louder

I can make mistakes 
wrong key or wrong timing
I can be stubborn
And not work
I'm breakable 
Just like everything else

Musically beautiful 
One of kind
Strong but elegant,
I am a piano

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Coney Island Life

     "A Coney Island Life" by James L. Weil is about how life is through it's ups and downs, achievements  and last moments. The author compares how life is to a fu carnival on Coney Island. Through his metaphors, he gives a deeper meaning to his poem about life than just the carnival. This poem is one stanza, but says more than what it actually says. "A Coney Island Life" shows us how life is through your good and bad times until your very last moments alive. 
     In this poem, the author is having a fun day at the carnival but puts a deeper meaning to it. For example, one of the lines says, "now arms filled with dolls, I threw so much for" it gives the readers a feeling of achievement and accomplishing goals in life. At the carnival, the games are basic and easy, but sometimes can be tricky to actually do. Just like in life, our goals and accomplishments, are hard to do but can look very easy to someone who hasn't done it before. In another line, it says, "and seen my helium hopes break skyward without me," reminds me of those goals or dreams someone has that don't become a reality. Most kids dream about what they want to do when the grow up, but in reality, it's possible to never actually become that dream. Your goals, or helium hopes, escape from your reach just like your unrealistic dreams we all have. The author of this poem taught how are dreams and goals aren't always achieved but when they are, it's a great feeling to know that you have done. 

     Another hidden meaning this poem expresses is how life always has it's good and bad times until your very last moments of your life. In this poem, the second line says, "on rollercoaster ups and downs", this shows the good and bad times in life. A roller coaster has it's twist and turns just like how life is. When you're on a roller coaster, being so up high and having to go down is a scary thing, and in life it's still a scary thing. In the last half of the poem, it says, "I take perhaps my last ride on this planet-carousel and as how many more times round I have to catch that brass-ring-sun before the game is up." meaning his last moments on earth and his last chance at life. He has had his day at this carnival, and now it's his last chance to win his last game. In life, we never know when our last moments will actually be, that's why it's important to always live your life to the fullest. This poem shows how our lives can be like a roller coaster with ups and downs and how our last moments in life is also our last chance at life too.

     "A Coney Island Life" isn't just about a fun day at a carnival but a life until it ends. The author, James L. Weil shows his readers how life is through its good and bad times, lost dreams, accomplished goals, and last chances at life. He expresses his thoughts using meaningful metaphors in one stanza. "A Coney Island Life" is more than just a carnival, it's a lesson about life itself.